Hello my lovelies,
Today I thought I'd share my make-up as it's a tad different to what I normally go for. Normally I like to go for a brown/neutral smokey eye with a more natural look, however, today I decided to use some more grey tone shades instead, to create this look I used the Work The Colour Smokey Eye Palette - Smokey 2 (£3.99) which I also have in nude. I love these palettes as the have a range of colours which complement each other brilliantly.
I am really happy with the outcome, I tend to stay away from greys as my skin is so pale yet I'm loving this palette and the texture of all the shadows. I also love how pigmented the colours are, you could really create a dramatic look if you wanted to.
Have you tried this palette? let me know what you think!

Never tried it but I'm terrible with eyeshadow. Love the lip colour!