Thursday, 1 May 2014

Cupcake Celebrations

Hello my lovelies,

Nothing fashion or cosmetic related today, just a few pictures of the amazing cupcakes I purchased as a gift from me, to me. I found that my recent assessments have been so hard and felt like I wasn't good enough or smart enough to even be attempting them. However, I have just received my results and found out that I gained a first in all 3! I am over the moon it was so unexpected. Because I struggled so much I thought there was no chance of even achieving a 2:2! As a reward I decided to buy myself two double chocolate cupcakes and two salted caramel cupcakes! Thankfully I only have 1 more assessment and two exams, then it's a long awaited summer! P.S the cupcakes taste amazing.


I'd love to read your comments! Let me know what you think !