I happen to have the most pale skin ever. I do not tan, so I thought it was time to start faking it. I have tried many fake tanning products in the past however, I really want to find that perfect product. I had this tanner lying around in the house so I thought why not give it a go. I know tanning can be very daunting however, you need to try these things or you'll never know!
This is the Garnier Ambre Solaire Wash Off No Streaks Bronzer 150ml (£6.99).
The product promises;
- No streaks
- no self-tan smell
- easy wash-off with soap and water
The product is presented in the following packaging:
I really like the packaging, with the use of a pump, its very easy to access the bronzer and also control the amount you want. I guess also allows you to prevent wasting unnecessarily. There are directions on the back of the bottle and some key information on the front which allows you to gain the general idea of the product.
On my skin the product looked quite dark which is always scary if you're super pale like me! The product is a gel which is quite odd, but I like it. The gel isn't too thick and spreads very evenly. I applied the product with Cocoa Brown self tan applicator mitt. (£2.99). The mitt really prevents those fake-tan awful hands and also allows an even application.
The smell of the product was very tropical and fruity, it did not have that fake tan smell which I was very pleased about, we all hate that biscuit smell. It does state on the bottle that it has a subtle apricot fragrance. The tan will last all day however, any water on this tan and it is gone. It does as it promises, soap and water will remove this product fully.
I am really happy with the results. As the photo above shows, the tan was a nice bronze colour, not orange and defiantly not streaky! I would recommend this product to anyone, it has my vote. I was really surprised at the lovely colour and lovely scent. If only it was lasting!
Lots of Love

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