Hello my lovelies, I hope you are all happy and enjoying the Easter holidays! Although It is a time to relax and enjoy those free days and long lie-ins, unfortunately, most of us will probably have either coursework or end of year exams.
For me, this time last year was a completely hectic time, I studied the International Baccalaureate which is the equivalent to A-Levels. However, instead of the traditional 3 subjects, you sit 6 (I chose Maths, Biology, Psychology, French, Spanish & English) whilst also completing charity work and theory of knowledge (philosophy type subject). With this course, i had no exams in the first year as they are all at the end of the two years which meant I had to juggle 14 exams with two years worth of knowledge, not at all fun. From doing these exams though I feel they have really prepared me for university. I now find university work load a lot more manageable and am able to create a good revision routine. My sister is also sitting her GCSE's so she is also up to her head in revision!

I have compiled some tips to get the best out of your revision and also how to stay sane whilst doing so. I know a lot of people, like myself, revision can be daunting but I think it helps when you know you're not the only one, there are others in your shoes.
#1 - Know your syllabus
The most important thing to do before starting your revision is to get a copy of your exam timetable and also your subject syllabus. You need to know what exams you will be studying and also what you will need to study within each subject. Usually you can find each syllabus online on the exam board website, however, if you fail to find these, you can always ask your teacher. By doing this you can understand exactly what your learning outcomes are and therefore plan your revision so you cover the whole subject. The best way to use your syllabus is to create a checklist so that you can see when you have for example, revised the topic, learnt the topic, know the topic.
#2 - Create a revision timetable
It is really important that you schedule time to revise. By doing this you can plan out your days and also allow yourself time to relax as well. I think a lot of people think that a revision timetable is purely for revision but this doesn't have to be the case. You can choose which days you want to revise and which days you can give your brain a well deserved rest. Also, if some subjects require more attention than others, you can make more room for them. I suggest you make a revision timetable and give a copy to someone you live with such as a parent or friend, by doing this I think you're more likely to complete the revision. If you don't want to do this with a pen and paper, there are also a few apps you can get for your phone.
#3 - Gather supplies
You need to gather all of your notes, textbooks, past papers and any other materials that you need to revise. As well as this, I find it's useful to go out and purchase the following
- A3 paper - You can use this to create large posters, mind maps and spider diagrams
- Flash cards - You can use these for small bits of information like key words
- Highlighters - These are important for highlighting the key parts of your notes or textbook
There are so many things you can buy but I think these are the main things that you need to get you started and create really good revision resources. There are also really good apps which you can download for your phone that can replace flash cards and help you revise.
#4 - Don't be afraid of the internet
I think a lot of parents these days think it's a good idea to take away phones and laptops or computers away from teenagers who are studying but this to me is such a bad idea. The internet is one of the best places to find revision material. Especially during my GCSE's the Internet was amazing for revision, it really helped me by watching videos on YouTube. I think as well, software such as PowerPoint and Word are great for making revision notes.
#5 - Know your limits
I know it can feel really productive staying up until 3am revising, trust me I've been there, but it really isn't good for you at all. Without the right amount of sleep, how do you expect to be ready to revise. A good nights sleep means you can start the next day fresh and make the most of your day. Also, long hours of revision with little or no break can cause more bad than good. It is important to remember that you are still human and you need to relax and also do the things you enjoy! reward yourself for revising by taking a break and absorbing what you have just learnt!
I hope some of these tips have helped you! obviously I'm no expert but I wish I had someone to tell me these things in high school! If you pace yourself and see exams as a way to show off your ability, you will do just fine. I think far to much pressure is put on teens to do well and get the top grades, If you put in the time revising, you really don't have anything to worry about. You get what you put in and you should always remember that whatever the result, you've tried your hardest!

This is a great post, I think it's really lovely giving advice to some younger people who may be struggling and stressing out :)
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Love, B x