So today it was my birthday! I can' actually believe that i have turned 19! feels like it was only yesterday I turned 18! I thought I would use today's post to reflect on the last year and how it has changed me as a person!
I think it's safe to say I have changed so much in the past year not only do i think I have matured but I have become so comfortable in my own shoes. Last year was such a crappy year it consisted of a bad boyfriend, bad breakups and lots of exam stress. However, my life has turned around completely and the past year has been the best year of my life so far!

Firstly I think that getting rid of the negativity in our life no matter how hard it is at the time, makes everything so much better. I was in a terribly depressing relationship for a while and I did nothing about it at all! It came to a point where I thought well if I'm not going to put a stop to this how can I expect to be happy! So that's what I did, the break up was hard but it was worth it and within a few weeks I was so much happier! If you'd like to know more about this you should watch ad Relationships & Breakups | ChummyChatter" by Zoella and Sprinkle Of Glitter,
Zoe describes exactly how I felt and how it isn't the end of the world when you go through a
Secondly, a couple of months late I met the most amazing person! It was a random day in college
and by chance I happened to see a friend out of the corner of my eye, I walked over to say hello
and saw Ed sitting there and thought "WHO IS THIS BEAUTIFUL HUMAN". From that day on Ed
and I were joined at the hip constantly going to the cinema, out to eat, for hot chocolates on the
orme. It was such a great time and I had butterfly's the whole time! (soppy I know). Anyway, it is a
year later and Ed and I are as happy as ever, I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend he is the most
Thirdly, I made the most risky decision I have ever made and it turned out to be a great one! I
wanted to become a speech therapist and based all my studies on this, whether it was work
experience or extra reading, I focused on speech therapy and chose it as my degree in uni. When
I received my results, I did not get the grades I wanted and thought it was the end of the world. I
was totally wrong as it was a blessing in disguise, I have always had a love for psychology and
thought why not peruse it as a career! So that's what I did, I rang up Leeds Met and asked if
they would accept me. Within 10 minutes I was booking accommodation and celebrating! Leeds
is such a lovely and welcoming city I absolutely love it!
All in all the past year was amazing and i have learnt so much about myself! When something bad
happens it is important to try and see the good in order to learn a lesson from it!
This year I celebrated my birthday with some cocktails and amazing food at T.G.I Fridays
with Amanda and Ella! If you have been to T.G.I before you will know their cocktails are
to die for, I absolutely love them! I had the Cajun Cream Chicken Penne to eat and it was so
yummy, could eat it everyday! The chicken was so delicious and the portions are HUGE!
I'm hungry just by thinking about it!
yummy, could eat it everyday! The chicken was so delicious and the portions are HUGE!
I'm hungry just by thinking about it!
Finally I thought I would share a picture of my presents off Amanda! Amanda and I only met in September but we have grown so close and I would be lost in Leeds without her, literally! I was so nervous about starting university and thought making friends would be such a hard task, however, Amanda and I just seemed to get along straight away! Due to our weirdness and over sarcastic comments we have realised that we are very alike, especially since we share a love of Nandos, cocktails and cats. When I saw the bag Amanda had kept my presents in, I knew it would be something amazing, below you can see she has got me the best selection of gifts! What more could you want in life! I feel very grateful to have such a great friend.
That's it my lovelies, I that by reading this you can turn at least one negative into a positive! trust me, When there is a down, there will be an up.
Lots of love